Since its inception in 2012, the Punk Scholars Network has expanded its membership and activities through conferences, symposiums, publications, talks and exhibitions, whilst seeking to maintain its original aim as an international forum for scholarly debate. The Punk Scholars Network has also held a long-standing commitment towards the nurturing of research, not only in terms of post-doctoral output, but also through pedagogical and academic support for postgraduate and undergraduate research students whilst encouraging and supporting non-academics to pursue and develop their interests in punk scholarship.

Schedule for the Punk Scholars Network USA & Canada Conference at the Punk Rock Museum
RT @drlauraway: New open access article with @Dr_F_Stewart now out 'Beyond boundaries? Disability, DIY and punk pedagogies' in the…
RT @EmilyScherz: You know I already can't wait to see you there. 🤟 @PunkScholars